Buyzooka products, centralized. Investor-centred eCommerce platform
What is the Buyzooka about ? Buyzooka is building a class of products and services to empower shoppers to get better prices, buy local, guarantee transparency, use data to make a wise choice, and *get compensated for shopping*! Be part of Ecommerce 3.0 Online shopping,Simplified. Invest to take Ecommerce to the next level by making whole product selling a seamless, engaging and rewarding user experience for everyone, anywhere. ICO? Because we believe in the power of th9e collective Join Amazon In Competition: So far, e-commerce is dominated by a single player. But with Buyzooka, we are coming to change all that. We are creating a platform that connects the other players in the industry, we help them create a fluid supply and demand market. We seek out technological opportunities for retailers as well as create new opportunities for consumers. All of us have the same goal: to break the status quo and permanently change an industry. Storytelling The founder team comprises men and women w...